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We convey complex subjects with unique learning experiences.


"When learning becomes memorable and exciting...

This is the emathon moment!"



Understandable communication of information and skills is decisive for the success of modern organizations. Digital learning has become essential in helping organizations engage with employees and customers.

Training for customers and employees

We provide comprehensive services for education with our expertise in e-Learnings and digital concepts.

Because business success and succesfull learning are inseparable.

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Our philosophy is to make the complex simple. We don't only focus on the content but support our clients to create sustainable learning concepts by taking into account end-to-end learning journeys customized for your specific target groups.

And this is what we bring:

Cutting edge training with loads of interaction and emotional quality. We guide your  participants to internalize the learned knowledge and make it sustainable, applicable and efficient.


Help our customers succeed
in training by providing
digital assets and services.

Our services:



We know what successful training is all about. In consulting sessions, you give us the opportunity to obtain knowledge about your organization, target and vision. Here we can show you digital learning possibilities and solutions for your organization and specific projects.


        concept developement

With a clear understanding of your needs, we develop a concept of the required assets to meet your learning needs. In close cooperation with our clients we develop a didactic concept which takes into account learning objectives and target groups. The result is a multimedia-based concept that captivates participants and training subjects.



Based on the developed concept, we bring your training solution to life. You can fully concentrate on the core competencies of your business activities, while we  take care of learning content development and the technical realization as well as implementation.

e-Learnings are suitable for....​

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Training of sales  and service representatives 

Introducing new software and digital processes

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Explanation of device applications and product features

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Customer training

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Explanation of maintenance and replacement measures on devices

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Onboarding of employees and training of compliance & work instructions

This is what cooperation with us looks like: 


Throughout the dynamic 3-point

Workflow, the customer is always

close by our side...

Step 1


We obtain insights about your organization and the learning subject.

We want to know what you truly want and understand the frame of your learning goals. With this knowledge, we can incorporate your philosophy and identity in outstanding e-Learnings.

Step 2

Plan & Develop

With a clear vision on your target and subject we develop a tailored learning solution.

Behind every successful learning is an intelligently designed concept. In this step, we develop the content and storyboard of the e-Learning which will match your target

...together with you.

Step 3


Theory turns into reality. We create a unique and purposeful learning experience.

Time to realize our concept in a highly effective and emotional learning experience. Therefore, we create a multimedia learning environment uniquely tailored for the needs of your participants.

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